Thursday, January 15, 2009

Maintaining Your Skin’s Youthful Candor Does not Have to Cost you a Fortune

When taking a brief look at the variety of different cosmetic procedures that are currently available to treat the skin, reduce wrinkle depth and restore vitality, many just don’t stack up in the realm of cost effectiveness when compared to an effective wrinkle cream like Dermaxin. Here is the breakdown of different wrinkle treatments when compared to the best wrinkle creams.

The Current Options
Injections: You can choose to have painful and costly facial injections like Botox, which will run you a few hundred dollars per treatment and require a series of treatments to be effective. Not to mention they have a variety of adverse and known side effects.

Laser Treatment: A painful and costly method of wrinkle treatment that involves burning the upper layer of the skin off to promote collagen production and that also requires a series of pricey treatments, and also has known side effects.

Spa Treatments: A relaxing way to enjoy the day, but in the end you would have to visit the spa several times per week at a high cost to truly see and maintain results with reducing wrinkle depth.

Wrinkle Creams: Perhaps the most cost effective and safe solution to wrinkle treatment. The best wrinkle creams like Dermaxin cost fewer than a hundred dollars per bottle—a month’s supply—and are non-intrusive and have been clinically proven to work.

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