Saturday, January 2, 2010

Eyevive can Keep Your Eyes Sexy, Vibrant & Untouched by the Winter’s Cold

The wintertime is still here, and apparently is here to stay for quite some time. For the many people out there who suffer from dark eye circles, wrinkles around the eyes or other associate skin symptoms, there are some easy ways to protect your eyes and keep them sexy during the harsh cold that comprises the winter months.

In a Sunday, December 20, 2009 report on winter and eye creams that was published in the popular news medium, The HuntsVille Times, in an interview with skin care expert, Amanda Karr—the report tells the strong tale that proper eye creams are crucial in avoiding pitfalls in the thin skin around the eyes that can become very irritated during the wintertime, contributing to a vast array of issues such as: dark eye circles, crow’s feet, wrinkles and much more.

The interview with Karr cites,

“Skin - particularly that of women - demands protection that's just as effective in the extreme conditions we encounter in the sunny South. "You've got to protect your skin from the cold outside and heat inside," she said.

"It's wet outside, you're freezing, and then you go in to the office where the heat is blasting, and it's bone dry."
We are more fortunate than most areas, with high, skin-protecting humidity. But "moisture loss is a real concern" for all skin types during the season, Karr said.

"The job of your moisturizer is to build a barrier on your skin to keep moisture loss down," she added.
The eye region is particularly vulnerable because of a lack of oil glands in the delicate skin, so a daily eye cream is a must.

These creams should be richer in nourishing oils than the moisturizer used on the rest of the face, Karr said.
To minimize wrinkling, prevention is more valuable than any regimen, she added.”

Thankfully there is PROVEN Eyevive, one of the best eye creams on the planet, which incorporates every ingredient necessary to maintain sexy, supple eyes during anytime of the year—especially during the winter.

For more information on Eyevive please visit them online at:

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