Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Why We Get Dark Under Eye Circles – What you Can do About It!

Many people suffer from the appearances of dark eye circles. These are better known to many as raccoon eyes. You know, those nasty dark circles around your eyes that you sometimes wake up with in the morning and which can follow you around all day long, plaguing your external appearance and making you consciously aware that your eyes look like a raccoon. Thankfully, there are some rather simple steps that you can take to get rid of dark eye circles, and keep them from ever returning. Just follow some of the solutions listed below and bid farewell to dark eye circles and even puffy, tired and baggy eyes forever.

Effective Solutions to Dark Eye Circles
-Always wash your face at least once, preferably twice per day using hypoallergenic facial cleansers that are free of alcohol and foaming agents that can dry out your skin, like laurel sulfate.
-Protect your skin from the sun each day by using powerful sunscreens that will shield your skin from damaging UV rays which can cause the formatting of free-radicals that can really age your skin and cause dark eye circles.
-Eliminate excess toxin intake: including smoking, drinking, coffee and foods that are toxin-filled, which can come out in your skin.
-Start using an effective eye cream, like Eyevive, every night before you go to sleep by massaging light dabs into the skin around your eyes and allowing it’s powerful and clinically proven ingredients to normalize the drainage around your eyes and increase the growth of the connective tissues.

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