Saturday, October 31, 2009

Liquid Facelifts Get Run for Money with Eyevive

There is new needle-poking trend that is taking the world of cosmetics by force, and it’s really expensive, it shows some quick results, with a HUGE price tag attached, and quite often some associated side effects, and basically, people are getting ripped off and wasting their time on appointment after appointment, and needle after needle.

If you guessed that more people are getting duped by liquid facelifts that are needle-administered, then you are absolutely correct!

When indeed, those starlet eyes that you so desire are easily attained by using the best Hollywood Secret Ever: EYEVIVE!

Why Eyevive destroys Liquid Face Lifts!

1. Uses Palmitoyl Oligopeptide, and Palmitoyl Tetrapeptide-7—which hydrates the skin and minimizes the appearances of wrinkles, puffy eyes, fine lines and dark eye circles.
2. Promotes the production of collagen near the eyes, which thickens the skin and naturally restores suppleness, elasticity and vitality.
3. Normalizes drainage and circulation around the eyes, resuscitating the capillaries and eliminating dark eye circles, fine lines, crow’s feet, puffy eyes, smile lines and wrinkles.

Get your Eyevive on by Clicking Here!

More People Getting Giddy Wrinkle-Free Thanks to Premium Ingredients

Dermaxin is still turning heads every day – wrinkle-free, happy and supple, vibrant faces that know the secret to the best fountain of youth ever to be discovered. When it comes to other creams, many can’t ever hope to stack up. That’s because they substitute fillers for premium ingredients.


Just a few of the awesome ingredients that have made Dermaxin the best wrinkle cream in the world, are listed below.
Dermaxin DEFEATS Botox naturally by using Acetyl Hexapeptide-8; a facial-relaxation compound and a collagen-booster in a simple and affordable, safe and non-intrusive, needle-free topical application.
Dermaxin TOPS Collagen by using Palmitoyl Oligopeptide and Palmitoyl Tetrapeptide-7 (both proven to increase the production of collagen and the growth of the connective tissues).
Dermaxin is PROVEN to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles by up to 44% during the first 4-12 weeks of treatment, and to show noticeable signs of wrinkle depth reduction within the first ten minutes of application!

Isn’t it time you started living wrinkle-free – time you had better, flawless, movie star skin? No need for needles or surgical procedures, healing time and side effects!
Let Dermaxin being the time machine for your skin!

Learn more by Clicking Here!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Sexy Hollywood Eyes Are Not Fiction

Sexy Hollywood Eyes – you see them in movies. You see them in glamour magazines; you see them everywhere that Hollywood is. Heck, even the popular tabloid magazines boast the good, the bad, and the ugly about sexy, flirty eyes.

Then again, they most often show blown up pictures of popular female celebrities who commonly all share one attribute: SEXY EYES!

These are eyes that are smooth, flawless, wrinkle-free, void of crow’s feet, dark under eyes circles, and well, you know the REST!

But there is one Hollywood secret that you should be well aware of! Most of these a-listers rely upon proven eye creams like Eyevive because it works, and they can use it privately.

Did we mention that Eyevive works!

The secret to Eyevive’s much relied upon status by celebrities around the world is rather simple: proven, premium, natural ingredients!

Don’t just take our word for it!

SEE for yourself by Clicking Here!
Publish Post

Before you Get Injections, Save Thousands with Dermaxin

Injections Versus Dermaxin – Let’s take a look at the pros and the cons!

1. CON: Most are made from cow collagen; you can get ones made from cloned human collagen that is extracted from your ears, but those costs about triple the price. So instead of paying $300 per series, on average, you will now pay $900 per series, on average.
2. CON: They require frequent maintenance. This means that most injections only last about three-four months. That’s a costly burden on your checking account.
3. CON: Side effects or allergic reactions: there are many commonly experienced side effects, such as infection at the injection site, allergic reactions or others.
4. PRO: Your face will look smoother and fuller, and wrinkle-free until they wear off about three-four months later.

Dermaxin Wrinkle Cream
1. PRO: It costs less than injections per month and shows faster results that are proven!
2. PRO: You can easily order it online from the comfort and the privacy of your own home, no trip to the doctor required.
3. PRO: Dermaxin is pain-free, no shots, no needles and no infections; just a simple cream that you massage into your face.
4. PRO: Your face will look smoother and fuller, and wrinkle-free, naturally, and Dermaxin contains collagen!

Shots just don’t stack up to the best wrinkle cream in the world, DERMAXIN!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

UV Risk Secrets: Retin-A Increase Risk of Serious Burns from UV Rates, Cancer

Retin-A is a very popular prescribed eye cream and skin cream that is supposed to help your body naturally heal and increase suppleness, elasticity and skin firmness. While this may work for some people, others have some pretty nasty side effects that they experience.

The leading RX information website,, cites the following risks that are directly associated with using this cream for treating dark eye circles and crow’s feet.

“All medicines may cause side effects, but many people have no, or minor, side effects. Check with your doctor if any of these most COMMON side effects persist or become bothersome: Redness, peeling, or feeling of warmth; sensitivity to sunlight; skin irritation; stinging at application site. Seek medical attention right away if any of these SEVERE side effects occur: Severe allergic reactions (rash; hives; itching; difficulty breathing; tightness in the chest; swelling of the mouth, face, lips, or tongue); severe redness, swelling, blistering, or crusting of the skin.”

Eyevive doesn’t increase your UV risks or cause any side effects whatsoever. It only utilizes premium, all-natural and proven ingredients that will greatly diminish your dark under eye circles and crow’s feet in a matter of 4-6 weeks.

It costs less and doesn’t require a doctor visit or prescription either.

Learn more about a cream that is way better than Retin-A by Clicking Here!

Dermaxin is Better than “Liquid Facelifts”

Have you heard of these costly and expensive liquid facelifts (dermal filler injections; Zyderm, Zyplast, Isolagen, CosmoPlast, CosmoDerm, Dermalogen, Botox and others)? They are really taking the market by storm, lauded as the best collagen delivery systems.


They are nothing more than expensive shots that have tons of side effects, and that require you get more shots at a high cost every three or four months. In essence, they are doing nothing more than temporarily covering up your facial problems.

In fact, Dermaxin is the world’s best all-natural collagen delivery system. Did you know that many injections actually use cow collagen? YUCK! Beef is what’s for dinner, not your FACE!

Here is why Dermaxin is and always will be the best!

  • It utilizes a proprietary blend of clinically proven ingredients including: Palmitoyl Oligopeptide and Palmitoyl Tetrapeptide-7 (both proven to increase the production of collagen and the growth of the connective tissues)
  • Collagen (REAL COLLAGEN NOT FROM A COW), a proven skin rejuvenator and enhancer
  • Retinyl Palmitate, a powerful anti-oxidant
  • Acetyl Hexapeptide-8 (BETTER THAN BOTOX), a facial-relaxing compound and wrinkle remover; and Hyaluronic Acid, a powerful moisturizer that can carry up to a 1000 times its own weight in water

Learn more about Dermaxin RIGHT NOW and save yourself a lot of money, time and pain!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Wrinkles in Time, Not your Skin!

Wrinkles. They are unsightly. They are classically attributed to the signs of aging. They are really annoying to get rid of, and they create unhappy, sagging faces. Indeed, if there is one thing that nobody wants to experience as they grow older, it is by far looking older.

Thanks to technology and science, wrinkles don’t have to plague you and add years on to your appearance any longer. Newer revelations in the way that skin creams and wrinkle creams can be delivered has yielded the best wrinkle cream ever to be created: Dermaxin!

Award-winning Dermaxin is one of the only wrinkle creams in the world that doesn’t require a prescription to use but that incorporates a variety of both award-winning and patented ingredient complexes, as well as utilizing many clinically-proven ingredients.

In fact the proof is right here: Dermaxin has been proven to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles by up to 44% during the first 4-12 weeks of treatment, and to show noticeable signs of wrinkle depth reduction within the first ten minutes of application. WOW!

Read dozens of user testimonials and learn more about Dermaxin by Clicking Here!

Dark Under Eye Circles are not Permanent

Dark under eye circles are actually no mystery any longer. Decades of research and testing has revealed that the reasons people get dark under eye circles are due to stress, abnormal drainage and the already thin skin around the eyes showing the flow of blood beneath the skin.

Now that we know why they are caused, it is surprising that rarely do products come around that actually effectively treat dark under eye circles. The good news is that they are not permanent. You don’t have to endure painful injections, otherwise called liquid facelifts, and they can be easily treated using a good eye cream that is rich in the necessary active ingredients that normalizes drainage and circulation around the eyes, resuscitating the capillaries.

Eyevive is one of the only proven eye creams currently available without a prescription that offers such amazing benefits. This product is rich in a wide variety of tested and proven ingredients that also combat crow’s feet and puffiness.

But you don’t have to be wealthy to afford a first-rate eye cream!

Eyevive is so low priced that many people find its actually more affordable than the store-bought cream they used to rely upon.

See for yourself by Clicking Here – make sure to read the testimonials of other happy users!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Needles are Out, Dermaxin is In!

Syringes are mish mash! They are pointy, they are sharp and injections are painful! That’s a fact! The biggest lauded part about injections like collagen that are supposed to reverse the signs of aging is that injections present a valuable collagen delivery system. Many companies that make and market such injected dermal fillers claim that their way is the only way that true delivery can occur. However, their delivery system is nearly the same as the collagen delivery system in Dermaxin.

Except for a few key points. No injections. No needles, and no side effects like bruising, rejection or allergic reactions to the injections, or worse, infection at the injection site!

In fact, Dermaxin even stands up to Botox and Collagen injections and delivers them faster!

By using Acetyl Hexapeptide-8, a facial-relaxing compound and wrinkle remover that is similar in effect to Botox, and by also using Collagen, all delivered by Hyaluronic Acid, a powerful moisturizer that can carry up to a 1000 times its own weight in water, Dermaxin is like two injections in one!

You will see quick results. You won’t have to endure needle sticks. And you will save thousands of dollars!

Learn more about Dermaxin by Clicking Here

Injected Dermal Filler Myths: Collagen is Just as Easily Delivered with a Cream

So many people will be duped into getting collagen injections that can really span the gambit from costly to so costly that only the wealthy can afford them. Common collagen injections are actually created from cow fat – that’s why they are called Bovine-based collagen injections. Then there are other types of costlier injections that utilize synthetic collagen that is cloned from your own body; these can many times be rejected by your body or can cause acute allergic reactions. Then there are collagen injections that are created using clones from other people’s skin; gross.

The worst part: you pay more for cloned collagen than you do for cow-based collagen! Imagine that!

Another downside – not overlooking the associated side effects like common infections at the injection sites – is that all collagen injections require quarterly treatment because they wear off, and none offer a guarantee that is attached to their costly price tags. Additionally no health insurance covers any of them because they are cosmetic by nature.

The reality is that with a proper delivery system a skin cream like Eyevive can and does deliver collagen the same way that shots do!

Learn more about Eyevive by Clicking Here